Monday 24 April 2017

Question 6 Evaluation

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? 
Refer to them with specific examples from your work.  
The use of any software used, online apps, such as Emaze, Thinglink, Flikr, Fireworks, Prezi, Digital cameras, Fonts websites, Online photo editors, You Tube, Padlet, soundcloud etc. 
You need to describe what you achieved with each and what you have learnt to do with each of these tools. 
It must be specific to what you have done and what you have learnt.
Remember that a detailed response will secure higher marks. 
You can select an appropriate technology to present this.  An example of a PREZI is shown below.


Question 7 Evaluation

Looking back at my preliminary task what do I feel I have learnt in the progression from it?

  • In this answer you need to select an appropriate digital technology to present your response.
  • You need to include your school magazine contents page and front cover and your final music magazine products.
  • You need to explain what you have learnt during the course.  What journey you have been on.
  • You will need to focus on things such as skills, techniques, software, editing of images, use of fireworks, research and planning skills, use of camera/ photography.
  • As well as explaining how you have developed your understanding of genre codes, conventions, page layout and design skills, use of fonts for variety and emphasis, visual syntax, constructing representations etc.
  • This needs to be a detailed response and needs to use specific examples and evidence to support.
  • You should make it visual by using screenshots and evidence from your blog and products
Take a look at the example below.


Wednesday 5 April 2017

Question 5 Evaluation

What did you do to attract/ address your audience? 

There are two tasks to answer this question.

1. You should use THINGLINK and present your final products with hotspots explaining what you have done to attract and address your audience.

2. You should 3 members of your audience to ask what they think of your final products.  You need to identify whether they are attracted to your products and what it is they find appealing.  You must also find out whether they would suggest any improvements to your products to make them better.  These can be done as sound recordings and then embedded using with a photo and profile of each audience member.


Question 3 Evaluation

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

  1. Identify media institutions that publish similar/ related magazines
  2. Identify an institution that would be most suitable for your magazine, explain very clearly and in detail why you have selected them.
  3. Identify some of their background, history and successful products that they publish.  Do they have opportunities for your magazine to be marketed using other media forms such as radio or internet?
  4. Do they have a wider readership and circulation to support your product?
  5. Present using a suitable technology embedded with your blog.
  6. Use the example below as a guide

Question 4 Evaluation

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Sunday 2 April 2017

Question 2 Evaluation

How does your media product represent social groups?

  1. Establish what different social groups there are by referring to the representation groups, stereotypes and the socio-economic groupings associated with the JICNAR scale.
  2. Consider age, gender, 
  3. Discuss each of your products in detail and explain who you have represented through the combination of images and text.  Explain how you have represented, why you have chosen to do it that way and what it suggests.  
  4. Refer to photography, lighting, mise-en-scene, including location, body language, facial expressions, costume, hair, make-up etc.  Discuss the use of colour, selection of fonts, and other artists that you are representing in your products.  
  5. Present your answer using a PREZI embedded in your blog.
  6. Use these examples as a guide.

The 7 Evaluation Questions

Question 1 Evaluation

In what ways do your media products use, develop or challenge the forms and conventions of real media products?

Wednesday 15 March 2017


You need to complete a research post into page furniture found on double page spreads.  You need to find examples, preferably from music magazines and construct a blog post explaining what they are, what purpose they serve and include a screenshot of them.

Refer to the blogpost below on page furntiture to help you.

Hand in date Thursday P3 16th March

Monday 6 March 2017


You need to write the article for your double page spread for your magazine.  It should be written accurately and should be written directly for the target audience.

It could be an interview with a band or artist, it could be a Q&A feature, it could be a 'getting to know the artist' feature.

It needs to be drafted and posted onto your blog by next Monday's lesson. 13/13/17.

Do some research into existing examples to prepare.

Sunday 5 March 2017

Double Page Spread examples to look at…..

The DPS is the hardest product to construct.

It relies upon using the same house style you have developed with your front cover and contents page.

It needs high quality photography.

It requires subtle use of page furniture.

All combined with excellent visual syntax achieved through high quality page layout, design and composition.

Oh, as well as a well-written article to accompany it!

There is a lot to do so you need to start preparing now.


Research and Planning of Double Page Spread

1. You need to identify the codes and conventions of DPS design and layout.
2. You need to do an analysis of an existing Music magazine DPS.
3. You need to produce 6 layout plans for ideas for your music magazine DPS.
4. You need to identify examples of page furniture found on music magazine DPS. Use screenshots from existing magazines to illustrate this.  (see the images below to help you)

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Grade A contents pages

You want a grade A? Then this is how to do it.
Look at these contents pages.
They use all the key elements we have discussed in class.
How can you learn from these?

What can you pick out and use in your own ideas and final designs?

Can you copy the layout of one of these examples? 

Monday 6 February 2017

Contents page conventions

Contents pages are designed as a reference to what is in a magazine.  They provide a brief overview of individual articles & features, some of which might be regular additions for every edition.  

The design and layout are based upon a grid structure that you must follow.  You must use rulers and gridlines to construct your ideas.  

1. They usually include a contents banner at the top of the page.  The masthead is also usually featured along with the date, issue number, web address and social media information.

2. They have 1 or 2 columns of text which have sub-headings such as NEWS, REGULARS, FEATURES, REVIEWS, LETTERS, etc..

3. They use numbers to indicate the page location.  

4. They incorporate photos of the content with numbers and captions to provide anchorage, (creates a sense of meaning for an image).  The larger the photos the more important that article is.

5. Each article/ feature heading is in a larger/ bolder font for emphasis.

6. There is blurb underneath each heading which is smaller and gives an indication of the content for that feature/ article.

7. There is often an editor's letter.  There can also be a callout box with magazine subscription information.  

The use of the text needs to be considered for emphasis and also needs to be a suitable size.  As a guide no larger than 24pt.  No smaller than 10pt.  If in doubt print and check.

Contents Pages

For the next three weeks you will be working on contents pages.  This will include in class and also for homework, which will mean using W9a during private study and after school.

The deadline for completion is 3rd March.

You need to:

Construct your final contents page following the house style of your final front cover- complete mock-ups showing development of your idea and your final contents page and upload them to your blog.

Key things to remember:

You need to use the same house style for your final contents page as your final front cover.  The same fonts, type of layout and use of colour.  It should use a variety of font sizes for emphasis- DON'T make them too big for normal text.  If in doubt print it out, it should be the same size font as you would expect to read in any magazine.

Wednesday 1 February 2017

A grade example from a rock/ indie genre

Grade A example

This is an excellent example of construction.  Why is it so good?
  • Excellent house style communicated with consistent use of colour, fonts and design layout
  • Fonts are used with striking emphasis through difference in size, colour, selection and use of case
  • Photography is well planned and well executed with clear consideration of page composition
  • All products are highly pleasing in terms of their aesthetic appeal, they are interesting to look at

Editing photos

Photos can be cropped, masked and edited using tools and menus in fireworks. You can also edit them using online tools.

If you want to edit your photos to apply filters, alter colour values, add lighting effects and experiment with other techniques then try one of these five online editing tools.  Remember to grab screen shots to track the development of your work and to help you to build evidence of how you have manipulated and edited your photos for your evaluations.

Homework Contents layout sketches

Now we are moving into design and construction of your music magazine contents pages you now need to produce 6 layout sketches for initial ideas of their layout.  Consider the key conventions of contents pages that you have previously researched.  Ensure you are using a grid layout and including lots of informative elements for your readers.

Look at the examples below.  Ensure you present your own ideas clearly on your blog. 

These must be posted on your blog by the lesson on Thursday 9th February

Could you copy the style of layout of one of these products?

Monday 23 January 2017

Treatment Homework

You need to complete a planning document known as a Treatment.

A Treatment is used in the media industry by media producers to outline all of the key elements of a media product.

It should be clear and provide detailed information about your intentions for your product.

Look at the example provided below to help you.

Produce a template with the headings used above and identify the key informartion for planning your final product.

This should be uploaded to your blog before the lesson on Monday 30th January.

Monday 16 January 2017


Welcome back!

Now that the exams are over you really need to be prepared to work hard ot complete the coursework.

In lessons we will be concentrating upon completing the construction work using sketch.
This will include:
1. Completion of your final front cover
2. Mock-ups for contents pages and double page spreads
3. Completion of final contents pages and double page spreads.  Ensuring you have a common house style to your products

You also need to ensure that the tracking sheet is also turned green for all outstanding work.
This will begin today.

You should have uploaded your photos from your photo shoots into flickr and then embed a slideshow into your blog.  If your photos are not good enough then you may have to take more.

Complete a questionnaire for your target audience to help you construct your products.
There should be 10 questions and it should be completed in Survey Monkey.  Embed it into your blog and send the link out to at least 20 people from your target audience.
Collect responses and present the results with some analysis on your blog.
You can get ideas for the questionnaire by looking at previous students' blogs below.

This is due for Monday 23rd January.